The cowshed covers an area of more than 1800 square metres, and is divided internally into different areas designed to guarantee a good quality of life and wellbeing for the animals. As well as the special building design, there is a system of checks and supervision aimed at monitoring the animals as much as possible in their feeding and daily development. The 200 cows, all Brown Swiss, are divided into different groups depending on their age. As well as being able to use the internal space freely, they also have unrestricted access to the area outside the cowshed.
Next to the waiting room in the cowshed is the milking room which the cows can enter freely for their daily milking.
Milking happens twice a day: in the morning at 5.00am and in the late afternoon at 5.00pm. On average, 70 cows are milked each day, going in 16 at a time. Each cow produces an average of 25 litres of milk each day, for 305 days a year. Therefore, in a year each cow produces about 7,500 litres of milk to the diary to be transformed into our products: cheeses, butter, ricotta, yogurt and ice creams.