Our Best Season Greetings!

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Our Best Season Greetings!

A. D. two thousand and twenty

2020 has certainly put us to the test

but it’s finally coming to an end

so just a little more resilience should see us through.


We wish you a very special Christmas and feel particularly close this year.


La Fiorida remains immersed in stillness and silence

but we know that very soon we will be embracing company once again

chatting happily in front of the fire

laughing together with old friends

romantic encounters with those we love and care about!


We are here in anticipation with a broad smile

warm and welcoming as ever

pampering that you will remember with nostalgia

from the last time you were with us


May your 2021 be full of stimulating experiences

dream-inspired trips alongside our hugs and kisses like never before.

 Happy festive season!!

  • we periodically organize farm tours for the whole family?
  • we are the ideal spot if you love running?
  • our “calech” used to be a refuge for shepherds in the mountains?
  • we are a truly zero kilometer reality?
  • we are located right in bewteen the Alps and Lake Como?
We will call you back!

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